08 January, 2009

Down for the Count

As the resident carrier monkey among my acquaintance, being ill means that whatever is going around is a doozy of a virus, so here's a wish for the good health of all my 3.5 readers. I hate being sick. I know that puts me squarely in the majority of everyone else on the planet, but I couldn't manage to keep my fingers from typing the phrase over and over again. Just once more: I haaaate being sick! This cold/flu/deathplague thing I have seems to be on an accelerated schedule - misery right now, but it does mean I will probably get better soon. Typhoid Tika that I am, I'm usually better before I'm no longer contagious. I promise not to be offended if you cross the street when you see me coming.

Being ill also means I get all scattered and a little forgetful, which could explain why I misplaced my Pistachio Mitts in a place where it is unlikely they will ever be found again. ARGH. I put them in my purse in the car, went into my house, and the next day they were nowhere to be found. I had a half-waking dream this morning that a kindly stranger picked up my poor mitts in the street and put them on the hood of the nearest car. Then the person who owned the car took them off the hood and is now enjoying lovely hand-knitted warmth and will maybe start knitting and someday will lose a pair of mitts, and some stranger will put them on MY car, and then the circle will be complete. Sominex plus NyQuil do strange things to my head.

I'm adding 200 yards to my finished total anyway. So there, fate!!

(someone please take away the cough medicine)

Here's the completed Hated Manos Scarf, all posed and pretty like the last 50000 Seeded Rib Scarves I've made:

And here's the Edgewater Scarf for Unka T:
Seeded Rib Scarf #6
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted, "Edgewater"

It'll be done today; since I don't know when I'll get the chance to photograph in the morning again, I figured I'd take the opportunity to pose it appropriately. Only one more to go after this and I can send the whole lot off for a late Christmas gift. Sadly the Huron Shepherd Worsted is knitting up a bit more feminine than I'd like, so I'm going to toss it in the dyepot this weekend. Some navy blue will man it right up, I'm pretty sure.

Here are some shots from our outing on Sunday:
Backs of heads, L to R: Jasmin, Gigi, Cynthia, Chloe, Andrew

Please note the lack of baggage that means we are on our way to the yarn store, not away from it.
An artsy shot on the way to lunch

Afterwards, Chloe and I stopped by Cynthia's to clear out her Malabrigo Chunky stash:

Chloe has opened a Home for Wayward Yarn. She's been relieving friends of their yarns, knitting them up, and returning them (sometimes!) with a renewed purpose in life. I can only aspire to such generosity.
And speaking of generosity, Cynthia gave me this Malabrigo Lace yarn. It's just as bright and intense as it looks in the photo - by some miracle my camera picked up the red tones perfectly. I don't know what this will be yet, but probably something from VLT. I wish with all my heart that the Malabrigo Lace yarn came plied, because I would never want to knit with anything else. Ever. It's that lovely.

And this is a color called Oro y Vino. Cyn has an extra sweater's worth in her stash, and as soon as it shows up it's coming to me. It's not a color I would choose on my own, but the girls assured me it's becoming and that I should expand my color palette, so I'm gonna do it. After all, I spent a good chunk of time at the yarn store convincing Cyn to do exactly that, so it's only fair that I practice what I preach.

Later that night, Chloe and I sat in with Jasmin and Gigi to record their podcast. You should go listen. I'm all internet famous now, but I promise to remember you.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for making your sick.


    The chicken soup was fine. I got an immunization that causes: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Funny, that.
